Website Tools

Website not secure versus secure

Why have a secured site?

It’s widely known that there is a difference between Internet Browsers. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari are the Big 4. If you are still using IE, we recommend against it. For Mac, Safari is the go-to but Chrome and Firefox are available as well. For PC,… Read More »

Why do small businesses need professional websites

Why Small Businesses need Professional Websites

Over 40% of small businesses worldwide do not have a website. Of those without a website, over 30% feel that they don’t need one; they feel it isn’t relevant to their industry. Another 30% are just using social media without a website. The two main reasons are they don’t have… Read More »

Is your website search friendly

Is your website search friendly?

Did you know that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine? That 50% of all searches are performed with voice search? Is your website search friendly? How your potential clients search and finds you has changed in the last couple of years with the increase in smart speakers… Read More »