It’s widely known that there is a difference between Internet Browsers. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari are the Big 4. If you are still using IE, we recommend against it. For Mac, Safari is the go-to but Chrome and Firefox are available as well. For PC, Chrome and Firefox are the way to go for the best security and fastest browsing experience.
Lately, you may have noticed your browsers are letting you know that the website you are currently visiting is “Not Secure”. This means that the website isn’t protected by an SSL Certificate. SSL’s encrypt the transmissions between the website and the servers, adding a layer of safety and trust to the site.
Having a secured website helps in search engine rankings, plus a secure connection gives your customers peace of mind that your website can be trusted and their information is safe leading to increased conversions.
Pro Web Marketing has always been able to provide High Encryption SSL Certificates for our clients. If you are ready to make the switch to secure your website (and get rid of that “Not Secure” notice) call us at 877-577-6932 to talk about updating your website and keeping your customers and the Internet happy.