To have a website on the Internet you first need to have a web server. Unfortunately, owning a web server can be very costly and requires technical expertise. This is where web hosts come in. Web hosting companies provide the equipment and other technical re-sources that you need without the headaches that come when you have to do it yourself.
In other words, the web host provides the place on the Internet where you website resides. It’s a cheaper than buying you own server, and you don’t have to hire the technical staff to maintain it.
There are basically 3 types of servers; dedicated, shared, and VPS (virtual private server)…
Dedicated – A single computer. Allows for faster access to information and can handle heavy data-driven sites, advanced e-commerce programming, video streaming and multimedia programs.
Shared – Designed for entry-level hosting needs. Made to host small scale e-commerce sites, and static web pages. You share server space with others.
VPS – The web sites reside in private and protected areas on a shared server and maintain an independent set of applications. Intended to meet entry to mid-level hosting needs.
We host all of our websites on a Linux Dedicated Server. This prevents our clients from having to share server space with thousands of others. It also supports higher volumes of traffic while maintaining an extremely secure environment.