Domain names are like one’s identity as well as location on the Internet. Having a relevant domain name is vital, but should also be easy to remember. Below are some guidelines to consider when choosing your domain.
Just so we’re straight:
Domain =
You should try to go with a .com, most internet users assume .com when browsing. Having other extensions like .shop or .info can make finding you difficult. There are sites that have used other extensions successfully and sometimes those extensions actually make more sense, but we recommend .com when available. Another option is to have the same domain name but with multiple extensions that can all redirect to the same URL.
Your domain should be short, easy to say and spell and avoid hyphens. Whether you are sharing your domain on your marketing pieces or telling someone the name, you don’t want them to have to think how to say it or remember it. Doing play on words/spelling will create confusion when later your potential customer tries to remember your domain to visit your website.
Use keywords in your domain if it makes sense. You want the keywords closer to the beginning of your domain. For example, if charter fishing is your keyword, is better than
We recommend registering your name as a domain even if you have no plans to do anything with it. Why? Your name is part of your brand and you want to control that, especially if you were to become a household name.
Pick a domain name that will grow with your company. For example charterfishingeastbay sounds great but what if you decide to expand into the great lakes?
It is tempting to pick a domain that incorporates all your key words, for example: charterfishingeastwestbaygreatlakes. We recommend against this because it is confusing and makes it difficult for a visitor to remember the correct order.
So, you have decided on the perfect domain name and you discover somebody else already has it. Try something similar or mix the words around, be creative yet memorable. This is where a lot of people get stuck, just make your best guess and secure the domain. A not-quite-perfect domain is better than no domain name at all.
Once you have the domain name make sure it is available on any social media sites you plan on use. Using the same name across all platforms online will solidify your brand making it more memorable.
Last thing you will need to do is register your domain name and create social media accounts. Pro Web Marketing can help you get your domain registered and guide you in setting up your social media accounts. Give us a call at 877-577-6932.